So these pictures are a little out of order, but hey you get the general jist of how things happened!
This Thanksgiving was definitely a different one, but was also a great and memorable one also. It was only me, Mom, and Dad! So Dad had surgery a couple of days before Thanksgiving which is why we had dinner in the living room! It was quite fun! That morning me and Mom set out to working on making this Thanksgiving dinner the best! We quickly put the turkey in after asking Dad a bazillion questions on how to properly prepare the turkey, and then each went our own way, me doing the rolls and mom doing pies and yams! Who said Thanksgiving dinner had to be stressful! It was great we were able to talk and reminisce of good ol' times in preivous years. After much hard work, we created a masterpiece! THANKSGIVING DINNER! It was a great day with lots of food. Man you would think we were feeding the world. We had tons of left-overs! It was good though to be able to sit down with mom and dad and enjoy their company! I am sure it will be a memorable one for all of us... but especially Dad. He was such a trooper through out his surgery, and I hope he knows how grateful we all are for his sacrifice for the family over the years and for his hard work to support us! We love you Dad!
We have been so blessed this year (2008)! We are grateful for the relationships we have with family, friends, and for our love for each other and are ever grateful for the Savior, for his great example and his selfless love!
Mom and Dad before the great feast!
Me being me, always taking pictures of myself!
Catch up
9 years ago
That about made me cry and not just the sight of all of your delicous food and knowing full well I won't be eating it again for another 7 or 8 months. But also I just want to dido my thanks to our very hard working and loving Dad. You are an amazing father and man!
Its great that you are documenting these moments. If Mom and you are like me, I'm not a good journaler and I'll just print off my blog as our family journal.
Sweet sweet memories... Wished we could have been there. :)
Hello dahling! Great blog! Way cute pics.
Thats it!!! Who updates this blog??
Obviously neither of you!
Don't you know how homesick I am, I need to see you, even if its only on my computer screen!!!
Yep, pretend I'm shouting this for emphasis and dramaizaton if thats even a word.
I love you!
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