Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend Fun!!

This weekend has been a busy, but fun one. Friday, we were able to go to the movie Get Smart. It was hilarious and we all had a good laugh that was really needed.
Saturday, Dad had a big fishing trip planned and left at 4:30 in the morning. What a trooper. So while Dad went fishing me and mom had made plans to go to the Clark Planetarium up in Salt Lake. This was another one of Mom's events on her wish list (and mine, we both love the stars). So we went our way at 10 (definitely not as eager as Dad). The ride up was fun and easy going and then we got to Salt Lake and we were a little lost. We were trying to find the planetarium and couldn't find it... then we tried finding parking and couldn't find it, or it took a little while and a couple of U turns. We began thinking if it was even worth it. We finally parked and started walking. We finally found it. I have never been to the Gateway Mall and it was all open and very new to me. I think I prefer in door malls. After a few more troubles here and there we finally walked into the Clark Planetarium. What a cool place. It is three stories high and has a small recreation of the moon and mars and you can go take pictures in it. I had my camera, but I had left it in the car and due to some troubles at the beginning we decided not to go back to the car to get it.
At the planetarium we bought tickets to see the Ultimate Universe show. It was very interesting and it was so fun to go and be in the dome and look the universe, but we were both hoping to just see the stars and constellations. I guess that will be an excuse to go back. After the show we were walking back to the car when Mom suprised me with the idea of going to the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti. I have been wanting to see it, it seems like it has become a tradition. So we decided we were going to drive down to Manti and see it since it was the last day.
I love our random and spur of the moment decisions. It was so much fun, although it was very hot, but we made the best of it. We ate the amazing turkey dinner and then topped it off with some Farr's Ice Cream. We both were starting to get a little tired from todays events, but were still able to fully enjoy the production. It was such a beautiful night and would have been perfect if not for the mosquitos, which by the way I got up close and personal with one of them that flew into my eye. At least we got a few laughs out of it and some interesting stares from the people in front of us.
The ride home was good and we made it safely home at around 1:30 a.m. Needless to say we were both pretty tired during Sacrament meeting and could see Dad smiling on the stand watching us.
It has been a good weekend, and I am not sure we are ready for the work week ahead of us, but we will make the best of it.
Hope this makes sense and you can somewhat follow our travels and crazy life we lead here. I was never good at explaining things, so hopefully it isn't too long and boring.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Apologies

This entry is dedicated to Heidi, even though she might be the only one reading this, but oh well. Heidi, I just realized that I have been spelling Saydee's name wrong. Boy do I feel like an idiot. What kind of Aunt am I? So from now on I will never make that mistake again! Please forgive me!
Ok, so I am still new at this blog thing... I think there probably is a better way of doing pictures besides the slide show and I was hoping that the pictures would be under the journal entry, but since it is not, we will have to live with it. Sorry to all of the professional bloggers out there. Heidi I am talking to you because I think at this point you are the only one who looks at this, but anyway, hope you enjoy! Oh and I also tried my hand at some black and white pictures. I am a wanna be photographer so I thought I would just mess around.

Idaho Pics.

A Week With The Trees From Idaho!

I have had the opportunity this past week to go and spend sometime with Renae and the kids while Scott went on a business trip back to Ohio.

Renae met Mom half way and then I drove with Renae to Twin where we were meeting Scott. From there I was to take Kira home and babysit her while Renae and Scott enjoyed a nice dinner alone! I will admit I was terrified at first to watch Kira because I was afraid she would cry the whole time, but it turned out just fine. I talked to her while I drive back to Renae and Scott's (the conversation is very confidential and I know she will not be talking hehe). When we got back I changed her diaper and just played for a while. Then I remembered that Renae said she liked going outside and swinging so I took her out and started to push her. She loved it! She fell asleep and I of course had to get a picture.

Before I knew it, Renae and Scott were home with the kids. In the morning we journeyed to the Twin Falls Airport to see "Daddy" off. The kids were so excited to be able to see the planes as they took off and came in. It was quite an adventure for those kids.
On Sunday I was able to take some pictures of the kids in their Sunday clothes. They were funny, they wanted to do all of these poses and Allie would just keep coming up more. I was a little nervous to see how the kids would act in Sacrament, and they weren't too bad, we only had to go out twice to go potty! Since it was Father's Day the primary children got up to sing. It was great to see Allie and Shylee get up and sing. They stood up front and would smile when I made eye contact. Allie was really excited because she got to hold up a picture cut out of a father and put her face through it. I wish we could take cameras to church! Somehow at the end of Sacrament I was left alone with Kira while the others were out with Renae going to the bathroom. I thought she would start screaming. I am so grateful for Cinnamon and Sugar Graham Crackers, they are a lifesaver. Happy to say though that we have become some what of buddies.
I was able to accompany Renae to Relief Society with the Spanish sisters. It was quite interesting. I thought that if we could get them and the other sister's together for class, I am sure there would never be those awkward silent moments whent no one wants to answer. I never heard a pause in their discussion. It was fun to watch them though and watch Renae with them. It was a great experiance.
Through out the whole week we were able to do many wonderful, fun things. We played outside and watched Nae use her awesome outdoor skills (actually I am not sure what to call them) but she mowed the lawn and weeded with the weed eater. I was amazed at her skills and am a little bit jealous I just sat most of the time dumb founded! I had to take some pictures especially as Michael tried to help! While Renae was being Scott for the day I thought I would try and help out with pulling weeds. Well, sad to say I got too intimidated and was afraid I would pull the actual plant then the weeds so I only pulled like a total of ten weeds.
After being outside we would come in and cool down with a popcicle and then brush up on our artistic abilities by doing some drawings and coloring in new coloring books. It was fun to see the kids' creations and how proud they were of themselves.
Twice we were able to go to Grandma and Grandpa Trees house and have fun on their fourwheelers. I never knew how dusty a fourwheeler ride could be. I would see the kids come in from riding with Grandpa Tree and their hair and clothes would be matted with dust! Well, I had the wonderful opportunity to do the same. I was able to ride with Michael in the back with me and Renae driving. It was so fun and beautiful! Although to Michael's disappointment we were unable to find the water to go through.
It was quite a week. It was so fun to be with the kids and see how much they have grown. It was also wonderful to be able to spend more time with Nae. I was glad I was able to help somewhat.
This is my poorly described account of my exciting vacation with the Tree family in Idaho. I will miss you all terribly, bur are looking forward to July when we will be able to come up and go to Twin Falls Temple Open House.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Illinois Fun!

Our Stay At Heidi and Heath's

This last week we were able to go to Illinois and visit Heath and Heidi and their family. It was a fun adventure. We were able to meet up with Tyson and fly out with him. It was so fun to be able to spend time with him, he was such a trooper through the three our flight and kept us all entertained with his fun and easy going personality.

We were able to spend a day or two with Heidi and Heath before Heidi went into the hospital for the delivery of their new adorable little addition, Elliana Ruth Tree. Then we were able to spend more one on one time with Sadie and Tyson which was a blast. They were so cute together and Tyson was such a good helper with Sadie. It was funny to watch Sadie follow Tyson wherever he went and always wanted to do what he was doing and yet Tyson was so patient.

They brought the new baby Elliana home Wednesday and we were able to enjoy her precious company through out the next couple of days. Mom never put her down and always picked her up the first chance she got.

On Thursday, Me, Mom, and Dad were able to visit Nauvoo and Carthage (Mom's dearest dream) only a couple hours away. It was a beautiful day and it was fun, but one day is definitely not enough time to be able to enjoy the full effect of those two attractions.

Friday we got to spend more time with the Tree family and then we met up with friends from Colorado that moved to St. Louis, the Dasslers. It was great to be able to see them and catch up on news of family and work.

Saturday was a very early day for us all. Our flight left at 8:00 and since Dad is always wanting to be early to be safe so we had to be at the airport no later then 6:30. We got up and said our goodbyes and had Heath drive us to the airport.

We had so much fun and want to thank Heath and heidi for their hospitality. We were glad we were able to be there and to be able to help out wherever we were needed. We hope to see them soon!

First Post HOORAY!

Well, Heidi I am following your strict instructions of doing Mom and Dad's Blog. I am not promising anything spectacular, but hey I will give it a shot.

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