Aunt Marsha did an amazing job. She spoke on "Children of the Promised Day," along with Sister Christensen from the Primary General Board. The spirit that was felt from hearing her words and the words of others who spoke was great. Since Friday was the last day, Elder Perry was the concluding speaker to the whole conference, me and Mom really enjoyed his talk. He talked a lot on strengthening the image of the Lord. He showed a clip of interviews of who people thought Mormons were or what our beliefs are, and to my amazement there were many who either had no clue, or had a distorted view of our beliefs. So he said we as members need to know the doctrine so that we can answer questions effectively, we need to live the standards of the Church, to be an example to all those around us. It was just a great talk.
It was a great day of spiritual instruction and learning and it was even better since we were able to share it with those we love. I truly wish that all of us girls could take a day and go together, how fun and how wonderful an exeperiance it would be.